AJA Vision & Mission

To dedicate achievers to the world, with physical, Intellectual, spiritual acumen by imparting education of global standards: helping the society to develop a sense of discipline and face the ever growing global challenges with grin and confidence.

To Nurture and Groom the children so that, they radiate love in family, excel in school and spread peace in the society.

To provide not only education, but also global awareness right from their tender age.

To instill the value system and elevate the child to lead a higher standard of life and transcend from present nature to become an eminent personality.

To enhance self-confidence of the children by improving the communication skills in Regional, National and International Languages.

To attain the vision with good administration skills.

To provide adequate infrastructure and a comfortable learning environment.

To harness the power of technology to adopt innovative teaching methods.

To create and nurture talent in sports, and help students participate at the State, National and International level competitions.

To enhance proficiency in spoken English and help in personality development.

To associate with premier institutes of learning and sports.

To focus on an effective Quality Management System.

Professional Teachers

Alagu Jothi Academy has a dedicated team of faculty members and staff. The teachers are caring and well trained in their respective fields and excellence in their respective subjects

Dedicated Laboratories

Children have an access to computer lab with latest software suited to the needs of pre-primary students. Outings like picnics are regularly arranged

Kindergarten Play Area

Alagu Jothi Academy is alive to the need of constant counselling and career guidance for its students. The career counselling and guidance center at the school

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Hi Alagujothiacademy i need an information about Admission Status!